A Moment in Time.... <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

My heart weighs heavy,
my ‘self’ feels sad.
I know not why,
but it feels so bad.

I worry of my friends,
and my family too.
I scramble in my mind,
about what to do.

This feeling I have
way down deep
worries me at night
and keeps me from sleep.

And in this time
that despair sets in.
I can only think
of one way to win

Release this burden.
Just take it away.
Fill my mind with good.
To this I pray.

E.C. Johnson

    Friday, March 05, 2004

    Elsie Bear (to read about her click here) is my Granny and she is an amazing person, and has touched so many lives. She was a driving force in the Manitoba Metis federation, and opened her house and heart to anyone who needed it. She is the most influential person in my life. She passed away two years ago, and I miss her dearly. I wrote this about her.


    There was lady in my life,
    who inspired me to be.

    She taught me about the warmth inside
    and helped my heart to see.

    She showed me her caring spirit
    that it was deep inside of me.

    And that caring, confidence, and strength,
    would set my spirit free.

    She was the most important person
    who taught me how to be.

    She left some time ago
    and from heaven she can see

    That her spirit will always live on.
    As it shines so clearly..... from me.

    I miss you....

    E.C. Johnson